How to get the PDF?

How do I get the full text (PDF) of an article?

The way in which you can obtain the PDF differs whether you work within the Erasmus MC network or outside it, and whether you are looking for just one or a large number of publications. Within a project, when many papers are read, we recommend working within the Erasmus MC or EUR network. This can be done, for example, by working on an Erasmus MC computer or via the MijnWerkplek application.

I work from within Erasmus MC or MijnWerkplek

A. I am working on a larger project or have many references of which I am looking for full text articles.

Step 1: Use EndNote to load references. Use the “Find Full Text” button in EndNote, so that most PDFs are loaded automatically. Can’t find the PDF of an article? Then continue with step 2.

Step 2: Find the article by searching the title in quotes in Google Scholar or by looking up the journal title in the online journal list. You still can’t find the PDF? Then continue with step 3.

Step 3: If we do not have a subscription, the article can be requested from another library via the EUR University Library. Click here for more information.

B. I am looking for one or more articles: follow step 2, as described in A.

I work outside an Erasmus MC environment, locally (not via MijnWerkplek)

Step 1: Install the extension LibKey Nomad and search for the article via, for example, PubMed or Google Scholar. Can’t find the PDF of an article? Then continue with step 2.

Step 2: Request the article from the EUR University Library.

Step 3: If we do not have a subscription, the article can be requested from another library via the EUR University Library. Click here for more information.