
Application form workshops

Nederlandse versie

First name
Last name *
Gendermale   female
Internal phone
Mobile phone
E-mail address *
We advise to use your @erasmusmc.nl or @student.eur.nl mail address. If you don't have that or don't read that very often, you can use another e-mailaddress, but please use the comments field to explain your relation to Erasmus MC.
Microsection number
I don't speak Dutch well enough to attend this course in the Dutch language. You can select any workshop (apart from those that already have NL after the date) and that workshop will be given in English
I am a(n) * Scientific employee (without PhD)
PhD student
Post-doc (or higher)
Administrative personnel
Other (state in the remarks section)
Remarks or general questions:
If you apply for a workshop literature retrieval, please provide your research topic that we will use during the workshop:

* required field

Workshop dates

Systematic Literature Retrieval (in PubMed) - 1 (max duration 3 hours)
Two days before the workshop you will recieve homework which will take about 2 hours, depending on your experience with PubMed. Please schedule that time in. PubMed-1 only makes sense when also PubMed-2 is attended.

Thu 6 Mar 13h
English (MS Teams) 
Mon 31 Mar 13h
Thu 8 May 9h
(MS Teams) 
Mon 2 Jun 9h
Fri 4 Jul 9h
(MS Teams) 

Systematic Literature Retrieval (in PubMed) - 2 (max duration 3 hours)
Part 2 ofthe workshop can only be attended after part 1. In between the two parts you get a homework assignment. We advise, if possible, to attend the PubMed-2 workshop in the week directly after PubMed-1

Thu 13 Mar 13h
English (MS Teams) 
Tue 8 Apr 9h
Thu 15 May 9h
(MS Teams) 
Mon 16 Jun 9h
Fri 11 Jul 9h
(MS Teams) 

Embase and other databases (max duration 2 hours)
Important: During this workshop you will translate your systematic PubMed search. To attend this workshop you should have finished PubMed 1 and 2.

Mon 14 Apr 13h
English (OWR-16
Fri 18 Jul 9h
(MS Teams) 

Reviews and Covidence (max duration 2 hours)
Covidence is software for Systematic Reviews. It is freely avaiable to Erasmus MC employees (every one with an @erasmusmc.nl mail adres). It is recommended to at least also attend the workshops PubMed. You can do that after this workshop.

Tue 22 Apr 9h
Mon 14 Jul 13h
(MS Teams) 

EndNote (max duration 3 hours)

Mon 17 Mar 9h
English (OWR-16
Wed 30 Apr 9h
(MS Teams) 
Tue 20 May 13h
Fri 27 Jun 9h
(MS Teams) 
Mon 14 Jul 9h

Data Management Plans (max duration 3 hours)

Mon 7 Apr 13h
English (Op locatie

How to Publish with Impact (max duration 3 hours)
This workshop provides you with information and tips on publishing in general, publishing with impact and how to be (more) visible as a researcher.

Pure (max duration 1 hours)
In this online Teams course you will learn how to manage your publications and your personal profile in Pure.

Fri 16 May 9h
English (MS Teams) 

Searching for a CAT (not available in English) (max duration 2 hours)