Login voor Embase en PubMed met je microsectienummer

Voor een aantal functies van online databases als PubMed, Embase.com en andere toepassingen van uitgever Elsevier is het handig of noodzakelijk om in te loggen. Het is nu mogelijk om in te loggen met je microsectienummer.

Het gaat dan in zowel PubMed als Embase.com om het instellen van een alert waarbij je periodiek een update krijgt van nieuwe publicaties over bepaalde onderwerpen of om het opslaan van zoekacties. In Embase.com gaat het daarnaast om het exporteren van meer dan 500 zoekresultaten naar software als EndNote.


Om in PubMed in te loggen klik je rechtsboven op “Log in”. In het volgende scherm kies je voor de onderste optie: “more login options”. In het veld “Find your login provider” typ je erasmus, en klik je op Erasmus MC. Je kunt dan inloggen met je microsectienummer en gebruikelijke wachtwoord. Als je al eerder een MyNCBI account hebt gemaakt, dan kun je je bestaande account koppelen aan je Erasmus MC login gegevens.


In Embase.com klik je rechtsboven op “Sign in”. In het volgende scherm kies je “Sign in via your institution”. Bij “Institutional email or name of institution” typ je erasmus, en klik je op Erasmus MC. In het volgende scherm klik je op “Access through Erasmus MC”. Je kunt dan inloggen met je microsectienummer en gebruikelijke wachtwoord.

Erasmus Open Access Fund no longer available

The ambition of the Dutch universities is to achieve 100% open access to all research output. With several publishers agreements have been concluded about changing their journals into open access. Ideally, the author’s fees (APC) for all journals have been bought off by the Dutch universities. In other cases this holds only for a selected list of journals or for a limited number of articles.

But there still are a number of journals for which an APC is charged. To subsidize corresponding authors to publish their research output in Open Access journals Erasmus MC en EUR created the Erasmus Open Access Fund in 2019.

The goal of the Erasmus Open Access Fund was to stimulate OA publishing. Since the financial means are limited, we expected to be able to subsidize about 55 papers from Erasmus MC annually.

Due to a large increase in the demand for subsidies, we have already run out of budget by March 2021. Therefore the fund is no longer available.


To reduce costs for the department of the corresponding authors we bring the following options to your attention.

1 – Select a journal from a publisher with a (Gold) OA agreement

If you have not yet decided in which journal you want to publish, you could choose for a publisher with which we have an OA deal.

See https://www.openaccess.nl/en/in-the-netherlands/publisher-deals for an overview of all publishers.

Or use the Erasmus Journal browser to find the conditions for a given journal.

2 – Green Open Access in Europe PubMed Central

On April 1, 2021 NWO and ZonMw will become members of Europe PMC (PubMed Central), an open science platform that maintains a worldwide collection of scientific articles and other research output. This membership allows NWO and ZonMw funded researchers in the life sciences and medical sciences to globally share their publications via one central location. With this, they will also satisfy the requirements that NWO and ZonMw set for the research projects they fund: making publications openly accessible immediately. Click here for more information.

3 – Green Open Access via institutional repository RePub

RePub, the EUR’s institutional repository, facilitates the Open Access publishing of EUR research via the so-called “Green Road“, in accordance with the strategic plan of the university. This means that authors are required to deposit (“self archiving”) the Accepted Author Manuscript (AAM) or ‘final author version’ of a publication in RePub. In some cases an embargo period is required. In the  Sherpa / Romeo database the  policies of journals and publishers can be checked.

Taverne amendment on Green Open Access

Pursuant to Article 25fa of the Copyright Act, researchers may make the publisher’s version of their articles available Open Access after a 6 months embargo.

Scholarly work published during your affiliation with Erasmus MC can be made Open Access via the Taverne Amendment under the following conditions:

  • The publication is financed in whole or in part with Dutch public funds.
  • The creator(s) is/are employed by a Dutch university; the creators can be both authors and co-authors.
  • It is a short scientific work; the length of a scientific article, a book chapter or a conference proceeding.

The principles of the Taverne Amendment have been adopted by the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) and the board of the National Programme for Open Science (NPOS). These principles include the expiry of an embargo after six months, so that all published articles, chapters and conference proceedings in the University’s repository can become available Open Access from that time. Erasmus University Rotterdam is currently working on designing a simple procedure for a broad roll-out.

Trial access to SpringerProtocols

The Medical Library has subscribed to a trial access to SpringerProtocols, which is a collection of multiple series including Methods in Molecular Biology, the world’s largest online database of biomedical and life science protocols.

The trial will run from February 1st until the end of March 2021.

SpringerProtocols is an invaluable resource for the modern research laboratory. It is the largest database of reproducible laboratory protocols (over 58,000+) in biomedicine and life sciences, so users can find the right protocol for their lab set-up, eliminating the need to compromise or find “work-arounds.”

SpringerProtocols offers researchers access up to 30 years’ worth of time-tested, step-by-step protocols for immediate use in their labs. Building on the heritage of the Methods in Molecular Biology series and content from other quality resources, researchers can be sure that whichever protocol they choose, it will be the most reliable and accurate technique. 

Key Benefits

  • Unparalleled breadth and depth: ensures that researchers can access the right protocol, saving valuable time and increasing the likelihood their experiment will be a success
  • Quality: Reviewed content means researchers can be confident that the protocol they choose will be the most reliable and accurate method for their work
  • Save time: our advanced search platform Springer Nature Experiments lets you find and evaluate the most relevant protocols for your research

For more information see the product brochure.

Science Signaling (trial access)

The AAAS journal Science Signaling offers groundbreaking research and commentary in the multidisciplinary field of cellular signaling, enhancing readers’ understanding of the mechanisms underlying physiological and pathological processes in organisms across all kingdoms.

There is a trial till the end of this year (December 31, 2020).

EndNote empty library when cooperating

Empty EndNote library when cooperating

If you cooperate with other researchers from outside Erasmus MC or have installed EndNote locally on your home device you might find that libraries that you receive as .enlx files in your Erasmus MC environment are empty.

This is caused by a recent update of EndNote (version X9.3.2 to X9.3.3). Forced by changes in the newest Mac IOS, EndNote switched to a 64 bits application. A file created or saved in a 64 bits application cannot be opened in a 32 bits environment and will appear empty. After an update all existing EndNote libraries that are opened will be converted into a 64-bit file with –converted behind the file name, while the old 32-bits libraries still continue to exist. It is because of this that we have not yet updated to the newest EndNote version.

A new version of EndNote will become available during Spring 2021: EndNote 20 (X9 is actually version 19). This will include an important update of features and a major interface change, which will ask for more extensive guidance and documentation from the Medical Library. It is then that  we will switch to a 64-bits version.

If, in the meantime, you receive an EndNote file from someone with EndNote X9.3.3, ask them to export the contents of their library as a .ris file. Please follow the steps below. When you have received the .ris file, you can import them in your own 32-bit EndNote library.

Exporting a .ris file from the 64-bits EndNote installation

Select the references you want to export, and go to File > Export.

Manually change the extension in the file name field from .txt to .ris (you don’t have to change the “Save as” drop-down menu).

In the Output Style drop-down menu select RefMan (RIS) Export. If you don’t see this option in the list, click on “Select another style…” and select that option from that list first.

Now click Save and send the file to the desired recipient with a 32-bits version.

Opening a .ris file on a 32-bits EndNote installation

First open an existing library or create a new library in which you want to import the references sent to you.

Now open the .ris file directly from your e-mail or from Windows Explorer. The contents will be imported automatically in your current EndNote file.

For questions, contact us via info.mb@erasmusmc.nl

Libkey Nomad: een makkelijke manier om artikelen te vinden

Eerder hebben we BrowZine onder de aandacht gebracht als een hulpmiddel om op een eenvoudige manier door artikelen te kunnen browsen en op de hoogte te blijven van de wetenschappelijke literatuur. BrowZine werkt op de PC, tablet en smartphone.

Third Iron, het bedrijf dat BrowZine ontwikkeld heeft, biedt nog een handig hulpmiddel aan:

LibKey Nomad is een Google Chrome browser extensie t.b.v. snelle toegang tot PDFs in tijdschriften, waar onze Medische Bibliotheek een abonnement op heeft, maar ook op alle open access artikelen, via PubMed, websites van uitgevers, Wikipedia, ResearchGateDOAJ etc.

LibKey Nomad is eenvoudige te installeren. Zie: http://libkeynomad.com/

Kies na installatie als instelling: Erasmus MC. LibKey Nomad voegt een koppeling naar de full text toe op alle pagina’s die verwijzingen bevatten naar tijdschriftartikelen. Als je daarop klikt, dan wordt je gevraagd om in te loggen via een Erasmus University proxyserver. Deze geeft je vervolgens toegang tot de full-text van de artikelen. Als er geen abonnement wordt gevonden, dan probeert LibKey toegang tot het artikel te vinden via een zoekmachine voor open access artikelen.