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- State names unambiguously. Then you are easier to find.
- Always include Erasmus MC in the affiliation.
- Use one standardized name for the research group or institute.
- Use a maximum of 2 layers for the attribution; the name of the university and the name of the research institute.
- Use one unambiguous author name. Always use the same initials.
- For more information see: Affiliation en Author Name and ID.
- Publish in English in quality magazines with high impact factors. The impact factors can be found in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR).
- Choose to publish in journals that are indexed in Web of Science or Scopus.
- Publish in open access journals, which are included in databases such as Springer Open Choice, BMC (BioMed Central), PLoS. This has a major effect on visibility and thus global participation in science.
- Seek international cooperation. This increases the impact of publications. This increases the visibility of research.
- Make yourself visible by posting information publicly on the internet.
- Place pre- and post prints in open access (preferably via the repository of Erasmus MC and EUR: RePub).
- Use Wikipedia.
- Blog about your research.
- Use ResearchGate.