Registration scientific output
Bibliometrics, impact and credit
- Increase your citation score
- Calculate h-index
- Identity Management for authors (Author IDs and affiliation)
- Impact Factors (Journal Citation Reports)
- Impact Factors (manual)
- Adding keywords to a research paper
- Defining the Role of Authors and Contributors
Open Access
- What is Open Access?
- Publisher deals and workflows
- How do I publish Open Access? (flowchart)
- Taverne Amendment
- Creative Commons Licences
- Journal Browser
- Erasmus MC Open Access Fund (terminated April 2021)
- Predatory Journals
- PhD-thesis in Open Access
- Publishing in Pure
- Publisher OA policies (Sherpa Romeo)
- Open Access information from the University Library
PhD track and defense procedures
- Embargo on parts of the thesis
- Hora Finita
- Thesis submitted to the Beadle is automatically included in Pure
- PhD procedures (Erasmus MC)
- Doctoral regulations (EUR)
- PhD at Erasmus University Rotterdam
Research Data Management
- Research Support Portal (Erasmus MC)
- Research Data Management (EUR)