If you cooperate with other researchers from outside Erasmus MC or have installed EndNote locally on your home device you might find that libraries that you receive as .enlx files in your Erasmus MC environment are empty.
This is caused by a recent update of EndNote (version X9.3.2 to X9.3.3). Forced by changes in the newest Mac IOS, EndNote switched to a 64-bits application. A file created or saved in a 64-bits application cannot be opened in a 32-bits environment and will appear empty. After an update all existing EndNote libraries that are opened will be converted into a 64-bit file with –converted behind the file name, while the old 32-bits libraries still continue to exist. It is because of this that we have not yet updated to the newest EndNote version.
A new version of EndNote will become available during Spring 2021: EndNote 20 (X9 is actually version 19). This will include an important update of features and a major interface change, which will ask for more extensive guidance and documentation from the Medical Library. It is then that we will switch to a 64-bits version.
If, in the meantime, you receive an EndNote file from someone with EndNote X9.3.3, ask them to export the contents of their library as a .ris file. Please follow the steps below. When you have received the .ris file, you can import them in your own 32-bit EndNote library.
Exporting a .ris file from the 64-bits EndNote installation
Select the references you want to export, and go to File > Export.
Manually change the extension in the file name field from .txt to .ris (you don’t have to change the “Save as” drop-down menu).
In the Output Style drop-down menu select RefMan (RIS) Export. If you don’t see this option in the list, click on “Select another style…” and select that option from that list first.
Now click Save and send the file to the desired recipient with a 32-bits version.
Opening a .ris file on a 32-bits EndNote installation
First open an existing library or create a new library in which you want to import the references sent to you.
Now open the .ris file directly from your e-mail or from Windows Explorer. The contents will be imported automatically in your current EndNote file.
For questions, contact the Medical Library: info.mb@erasmusmc.nl